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Just made a new Amazon Plugin wich uses Amazon ECS and only works with PHP5 and simple_xml.
Please give me some Feedback about this if you can use it 😊
LeuMund… Did a lot of reading in the Amazon Developers area this evening as I needed to modify Lynda’s pluging to include more data. That plugin uses the v3 APIs/SDK whereas their new version is 4. Alot of us don’t run our own servers and most hosts I know of haven’t switched over to PHP5 yet. How hard would it be to get your plugin working with PHP4? Would love to tie into the new Amazon stuff but it’s a now show for me with the v5 requirement :-(
my hosting company in switzerland has a great functionality. they installed php5 together with php4 and i can decide for each directory if i want to run php5 or php4. it’s perfect for testing and it was also to move the ecs directly to php5 with simple_xml.
i will see, if it will be possible to use soap for the same plugin to have it working for php4. what i’m wondering is, everyone asked lynda for php5 compatibility of amazon api plugin…
LeuMund… >> everyone asked lynda for php5 compatibility of amazon api plugin << Hmmm…didn’t notice that…lots of requests for caching I recall 😊 I haven’t found any of the hosts I’ve used/use with PHP5 and I know pMachineHosting probably won’t have it until sometime next year. So, I’m kind of curious as to how many actually have it. Could just be a vocal minority 😊
I think if more people knew just what you can do with the Web Services, more would use it. Especially affiliates. It’s far more useful/robust then the simple affiliate links that are so typical. As far as Soap…A client of mine deals with Amazon a lot and they seem to push Soap for their suppliers and drop-shippers even though they do offer straight email communication for the very small suppliers like in their gourmet foods section. Sure wish I knew how to really program 😊
version 1.1 is available for download now!!!
<a href=””>Download Version 1.1</a>
New Variables:
Gives back first review to each product. First one is summary.
New function:
action=”search” Existing
action=”lookup” action=”similar” (Needs ASIN between {define_keywords))
Check back soon for more functions soon!
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