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Bug in Function “is_entry_unique” ?
I have the impression that in version 0.7.3 the mentioned function produces a problem if a time_offset is used. The plugin creates duplicated entries because the feed date and the entry date are always different due to the time_offset.
I think that the problem is located here:
$query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_weblog_titles WHERE LEFT(title,100) = LEFT('".$DB->escape_str($post[ "title" ])."',100) AND entry_date = '".$DB->escape_str($post[ "date" ])."'");
and could be solved in that way:
$query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_weblog_titles WHERE LEFT(title,100) = LEFT('".$DB->escape_str($post[ "title" ])."',100) AND entry_date = '".$DB->escape_str($post[ "date" ] - $this->time_offset)."'");
But, I’m not a professional - please wait for an official confirmation before changing the plugin script.
Kind regards, MISC
I have a new version of the FeedGrab plugin available which is multiple site compatible.
A site_id parameter has been added to select which site to import the data into, eg, site_id=”2”. If you are not using MSM, just ignore the parameter.
From now on - to keep things simpler - please see the FeedGrab page to download current version. I will continue to announce updates in this thread.
Thanks, Andrew
This plugin is exactly what I’ve been looking for! My one complaint (not really a complaint) with it so far is that the Plugins page still is not loading – just has a blank screen. I use that page a lot when I’m looking at the syntax to use for other plugins, so it’s a big bummer it breaks the page.
Does anyone have any ideas how to make the Plugins page come back to life with FeedGrab installed?
Edit: Also, I’m getting a “?” in place of apostrophes. Thoughts?
I’ve just updated the plugin and have hopefully fixed the plugin manager problem.
FeedGrab download available here
Let me know of any problems.
I’ve just updated the plugin (again). This might help with some characters getting converted to question marks.
FeedGrab download available here
Again, let me know of any problems.
Hey Andrew -
Sorry to keep bugging you. I just updated my version of the plugin so there is a status=”” parameter in the exp:feedgrab template tag. That way, I can feed in what I want the status to be. The reason I needed this specifically is because our default status is Draft (since we have a ton of writers and don’t want things published by accident), and we wanted items that are “grabbed” by FeedGrab to be posted to the site immediately.
I think this would probably be a worthwhile update to the plugin if you’re down with that. Obviously a very simple update to the plugin, but let me know if you just want my code.
hi andrew.
very nice plugin! exactly what i was looking for. one issue though 😉
i’m trying to import my friendfeed feed and can’t seem to grab the contents on a lower level. that’s the structure (from their api):
id - the user's FriendFeed UUID
name - the user's full name
nickname - the user's FriendFeed nickname, used in FriendFeed URLs
profileUrl - the user's profile URL on FriendFeed
service{} - the service from which the entry came
id - the service's FriendFeed ID, e.g., "picasa"
name - the service's official name, e.g., "Picasa Web Albums"
iconUrl - the URL of the favicon for this service
profileUrl - the user's profile URL on this service
it works well with »id«, »title«, »published« etc. the bits i’m also interested in are »service name«, »user nickname« and so forth.
in the »go« template i tried »service/name« but no luck.
question now is how do i get them? i’m pretty sure that’s an easy task but can’t see it.
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