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Yes, but my version effectively splits the development into two branches. Say what I did didn’t mesh with what Travis did (not that that’s likely, but the point still stands) now you would have two separate builds of essentially the same extension. This could lead to some confusion and certainly upgrade issues if you try to flip flop between the two branches.
If anyone’s curious the reason I posted the update to travis’ code was because it was interfering with my “File” extension:
Suggesting improvements to code is certainly within the realm of what Mark can do, but the change file needs to come from the person who originally posted it. I certainly don’t want to deal with version/author confusion.
Many of us have posted potential changes to the code as “hacks” but we don’t redistribute other people’s code.
Inside the original code:
Written by: Travis Smith
Copyright (c) 2006 Hop Studios
Please do not distribute this extension without written
consent from the author.
Added: Hopefully Travis will be able to take the changes Mark suggested, and add a newer version for us to use.
Mark, we really do appreciate your work on the extensions you’ve done. Thanks in advance for working with Travis to get an improved version of his extension out there.
Sue, i’m aware of software licensing too, being an IT professional myself, and i know that publicly posted doesn’t mean GPL’d. It was your TONE i thought was uncalled for, mostly, and that i was trying (perhaps badly) to call attention to. Mark was trying to be helpful, and is in general HUGELY helpful, and i thought you were rude.
However, you’re a Big Name EE Person and i’m a peon, so what do i know?
ailenne, I’m sorry if you were offended by my tone. I agree that Mark was trying to be helpful and he is doing a great service to the community.
I’m really not a big name EE person. I’m just a user such as yourself. In fact, we both started posting in here in 2002. 😊
So please accept my apology for my tone.
Just so everyone’s clear – I think it’s nice that Mark wanted to be helpful and improve my extension, and we’ve chatted offline.
While I’d been meaning to update the extension anyway, I hadn’t planned to do so today. But seeing as there’s a bit of interest, I’ve upgraded it to version 1.1 – see the first post in this thread for the latest file. In this version, I… * added link on CP home page that lets users edit that home page * added settings for each individual modification * added a language file * added version notes * fixed it so that it integrates better with other extensions
Version 1.1 is still free, but as Sue notes, I do still want to keep the copyright.
TTFN Travis
Wiki’d. Feel free to add a description there if you want. I haven’t used it and lost track of what all it does. 😉
Nice extension. My feedback is that I’d like to see additional options to hide the “Preview” button and the “File Upload” button. Here’s two scenerios where this would be helpful:
1) Normally I have a lot of miscellanious custom fields on a publish page or have styled the output content in the actual web page in such a way that the “Preview” really is meaningless for the viewer (a big jumble of content that doesn’t show how the content and images will work on the actual page). I’m also using an extension that adds links to view the entry directly from the control panel as well as when saving the entry so the user has the option to preview (if saved as draft) the content as it will appear in the actual web page so the default preview button is needless.
2) I’ve got Mark’s custom field file uploader extension and the File Manager extension and the default file manager on the publish form it isn’t used at all.
Having these two additional options to hide those buttons would be nice so that one could control exactly which of the “Preview,” “Quick Save,” and “File Upload” would show up depending on the project specs and other extensions that are used to handle that functionality.
This looks like a very extension, but unfortunately it doesn’t work exactly right for me.
The upload bit and the CP Home bit work just fine, though I would suggest adding a settings field to change the text of the upload link.
The Quick Save part is where I run into problems. For one, it doesn’t do anything. For another, you should change the settings language to remove subjectivity such as “baffling.” I don’t find the Quick Save button baffling at all, nor do any of the writers on my site. Also, I suggest removing the word “indecipherable” or changing it to something less subjective, like “obscure.”
I’d also like to have more control over which buttons are visible and what language they use, like Rob Q. I never use the Submit button, so I’d like to be able to hide that, and I’d like to be able to change the Quick Save button’s text to something else like Save or Update (but something I can choose).
At any rate, keep up the good work. I’m looking forward to 1.2. 😊
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