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Hey Vik, sorry for no updates, but I’ve been waiting for 1.3 to come out. Part of the polishing up means I really should move the hit script out of a template and make it part of the module itself. BUT because of some EE security, I can’t pass the urls via the action script. I’m kind of hoping the next version will have loosened that up so I can stop using the template to count the clicks. So yea, been waiting on that. I mean, it works in a template- it just makes for a messier install.
And yep- the javascript sends ANY external links through the counting script. The only problem is they aren’t associated with weblogs (or the gallery or the forum or whatever they might be associated with) without including some kind of ID- which is what the link convert function does. But even without that, works fine. Just limits the kind of info you can pull up.
It’s really a nifty bit of javascripting- which I had nothing to do with!
Heh- sorry, it’s been on the backburner for a while. I finally broke down and decided to make an aggregator module, which has been sucking up all of my time. It’s about ready for beta- couple of days- and then I’ll get back to the click-tracker. It’s a really simple mod, so shouldn’t take long to get a final/polished version out. Hm- well, the regex is still giving me fits, but I think I decided not to worry with that bit.
So… maybe next weekend or so on getting a working version of the click-tracker back up and polished off. I haven’t looked at it since someone said it broke in 1.3 (I use a different method of tracking on my own site, so never noticed).
So… maybe next weekend or so on getting a working version of the click-tracker back up and polished off. I haven’t looked at it since someone said it broke in 1.3 (I use a different method of tracking on my own site, so never noticed).
Hi Rob1, How is it going? It seems your too busy these days.
MySQL ERROR: Error Number: 1067 Description: Invalid default value for ‘article_id’ Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `exp_clicks` ( `ID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `article_id` int(10) NOT NULL default ”, `link_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”, `link_url` varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”, `link_clicks` int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, `link_m_clicks` int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, `link_spam_clicks` int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, `ip` varchar(16) NOT NULL default ”, `date` int(10) NOT NULL default ‘0’, UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`ID`), KEY `art_id` (`article_id`)) ;
I get this error when I click the install link in module list.
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