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Woah! You found a bug, you should win a prize or something… Okay, I’ll fix it in your honor.
I must have accidentally added it the last time I versioned the plugin. The issued was the order in which the variables were being set in the URL. Ether I didn’t test well, or Gravatar made their url format specification stricter.
Go ahead and download the new version, and everything should be fine! Let me know if there are any other issues!
Hola! Just checking in to see if there’s any new info on this. 😊 To recap: before size fix, custom default gravatar worked fine. After size fix, no custom default gravatar… just the big blue G. I did nothing to my code to change it, so I’m guess it’s something in the plugin? I’m not sure… let me know if I need to re-update it or something.
Thanks, Philip! I appreciate your help. 😊 Joelle
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