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Anyone testing this in 1.6? My initial attempt to install and configure this Extension failed, but I didn’t see it discussed in this thread so thought I’d bring it up and see if anyone had any info (apparently Travis doesn’t plan to touch this until September.)
I’ll crack it open and see if I can fix it myself, but I’m a bit leery of taking the time if others have already done it, or if it’s going to cause a big stink.
I’ve posted the 2.0 version of this module at the beginning of the thread.
Also, this version doesn’t blow up when you’re using the Pages module.
TTFN Travis
Ok, I feel a little silly, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get the “live edit” stuff going on. I’ve got it checked, in the settings, but I assume there is a snippet of code or something I need to include to make it appear, correct?
I’ve read this thread twice and checked the “README”, but can’t seem to find it. Point me in the right direction? 😊
Thanks! Joelle
Okay. I must be missing something.
I have installed ext.publishimprove.php, enabled it and configured the settings to hide the Preview and Quick Save buttons. However, it doesn’t hide either button.
I also enabled the “view on live site” link function and that works fine, so the extension is there and working, but the Preview and Quick Save buttons are still there.
Any suggestions?
EE 1.6 Build 20070815
Enabled Extensions: - Clone Entries (v.1.1) - Disable pMachine News Feed (v.0.5) - Edit Remember (v.1.1.0) - Edit Tab AJAX (v.1.2.1) - Multi Relationship (v.1.0.6) - Multi Text (v.1.0.9) - Publish Page Improvements (v.2.0.0) - Simplify Edit Table (v.1.1.2)
If I had to guess, I’d say “Clone Entries” might be conflicting but I’m not sure… however, you can help me. Disable your other extensions and see if PublishImprove is changing te Preview / Quick Save buttons. If it is, enable the other extensions one by one. Once you find the offender, let me know and I’ll see if I can find a way to make the two of them co-operate for you.
TTFN Travis
Travis, just rediscovered this extension, love the flexability in customizing a user’s CP experience.
One request (for now):
I’ve never liked the preview page, because it has no relation to what will be output on the site once templates are factored in. Using your plugin, I can get rid of “preview”, and I can get rid of “submit”. Then I rename quick save to “Save”. This puts the user back on the edit page, but there are a couple problems:
“View the live version” isn’t visible. This is my main goal, to either re-edit the entry, or have access to view it on the website inside of a template.
The resulting page says “Quick Save” above the edit form. Ideally I’d like to be able to customize that title to something like “Your Entry Has Been Saved.
What do you think?
Bug: in the case, when you are coming to Edit entry area, the text (image) “Upload image” not showing. But only if “weblog_id=” not appear in URL (e.g. link to entry from Pages module). Maybe it’s conflict with other extension. Could you chceck it?
“Upload image” button not shown
“Upload image” button is shown
If I had to guess, I’d say “Clone Entries” might be conflicting but I’m not sure… however, you can help me. Disable your other extensions and see if PublishImprove is changing te Preview / Quick Save buttons. If it is, enable the other extensions one by one. Once you find the offender, let me know and I’ll see if I can find a way to make the two of them co-operate for you. TTFN Travis
After a month, I’ve finally found the time to troubleshoot this. I have disabled all extensions except PublishImprove and it is still not hiding my Preview and Quick Save Buttons.
I also entered text into the associated fields to see if it was just a problem with hiding, but it’s not. It doesn’t change them at all.
Any more suggestions?
I too am experiencing the same. Working on 1.6.1 Build: 20071114 with all other extensions disabled.
CP Home › Admin › Utilities › Extensions Manager › Publish Page Improvements Publish: Text for upload button. (Try “Upload File: “; leave blank to hide button.) - Field blank.
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